Children’s Therapy Services primarily offers individual therapy services. On occasion we do small group intervention in social skills and self-regulation upon request.
We use a combination of Sensory Integration, Reflex Integration and cognitive integration in both evaluation and treatment of children from toddlers through adolescents who may present with a broad range of challenging issues including: Gross and Fine Motor Skill development; Visual Perceptual difficulties: Sensory Processing Issues; Self-Regulation challenges; and Social Skills delays. Some children come with specific diagnoses such as: SPD, ADD/ADHD, ASD, Hypotonia, Downs Syndrome, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and others. Many children have no specific diagnosis, just documented areas of difficulty.
Occupational Therapy services usually begin with an evaluation to determine what is working well for the child and what needs a boost. Our evaluations are comprehensive investigations by the testing therapist during a two-hour visit with the child and parents in our clinic. A combination of standardized tests and clinical observations as well as conversations with parents, teachers, and others concerned and review of previous reports will be drawn together by the testing therapist into a comprehensive report with recommendations. This will be presented and discussed at a parent conference and will determine the focus of intervention.
Individual Occupational Therapy sessions are usually once or twice a week for one hour. Children are engaged in challenging therapeutic tasks that are disguised as playful activities. By pairing fun with work, children make good progress on their goals. The Occupational Therapists guiding their progress are trained and certified in a variety of interventions such as:
- Gross Motor skill acquisition
- Fine Motor skill acquisition
- Handwriting Without Tears
- Perceptual Enrichment Program (PEP)
- Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI)
- Sensory Integration (SI)
- NeuroDevelopmental Treatment (NDT)
- Wilbarger Therapressure Protocol (“Brushing”)
- Kawar Vestibular-Ocular Protocol (Astronaut Training)
- Therapeutic Listening; The Listening Program: Integrated Listening System
- Visual Perceptual Problem Solving program (VPPS)
- The Alert Program for Self- Regulation (How Does Your Engine Run)
- The Zones of Regulation curriculum
- The Superflex Social Thinking curriculum
- Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Skills and group curriculum
- S’cool Moves
- Bal-A-Vis-Ex
- Interactive Metronome (IM)
Photography © Cindi Stephan
Illustrations by Courtney Toriumi