It is important to be mindful of Cold and Flu symptoms and CTS recommends following CDC protocols as needed. The CTS clinic space allows outside airflow/ventilation and may be used by a maximum of two therapists a day https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/masks.html
What is Pediatric Occupational Therapy and how can it help my child?
Occupational Therapy is a medically related service with a goal of helping individuals with motor and behavioral problems to develop the necessary gross and fine motor skills, self awareness and self regulation tools for competence with the activities of daily life. The tools a child needs for his/her “occupation” are the skills for self-care, cooperative play, satisfying social interactions and success with academic pursuits. Through engagement with targeted activities and interventions in an OT clinic a child can gain the functional skills, problem-solving abilities and self-esteem for personal success.
How do I know if my child needs Occupational Therapy services?
The decision to pursue Occupational Therapy services is a very personal one. There are a number of reasons that a pediatrician, teacher or parent may decide it is time to seek services. Usually, there are a number of concerns in one or more of the following areas:

- Difficulty with coordination of gross motor, fine motor or visual motor skills
- Over-sensitivity to touch, movement, sight or sounds.
- Sensory seeking behaviors
- Activity level unusually high or low
- Increasing frustration or feelings of failure
- Difficulty with learning age-appropriate skills
- Unexpected or disorganized behavior
- Difficulty making and keeping friends
- Difficulty learning new and unfamiliar tasks
- Difficulty with problem-solving
Why does my child need to have an evaluation and treatment plan?
The evaluation determines your child’s strengths and weaknesses in various areas of development. We use the information gathered in the evaluation to determine the services needed and to write specific treatment goals, as well as to measure your child’s progress. The recommendations for treatment and the written treatment plan are based on the results of the evaluation and the concerns of the parents.
If my child needs Occupational Therapy, how long does it take?
Each child’s needs are different. The courses of therapy can range from 3-6 months to somewhat longer times depending on the severity of the issues. Children who come regularly to their appointments and whose family can do a home program make the fastest progress.
Can I afford OT?
Occupational Therapy is a medically related field that is often reimbursed by insurance companies. Kaiser currently offers their own medical model evaluation and treatment. There is also a local facility that offers Charity Care and Sliding Scale. We ask parents to pay for services and submit our receipts to their insurance companies for reimbursement based on their individual plans. CTS does not bill insurance companies, nor handle insurance issues such as writing letters, reports, requesting services, etc. It is the caregiver’s responsibility to arrange reimbursement with their individual insurance company.
Photography © Cindi Stephan
Illustrations by Courtney Toriumi